A Closer Look at Our Advanced Bunion Treatments

When you have a bunion on your foot, the pain is often unbearable. The longer you let the bunion go, the worse it gets. The misalignment in your foot makes it difficult to enjoy your normal activities, especially when it involves wearing shoes. However, there are many modern treatments that relieve your pain and restore your foot alignment.
At Sports Medicine Associates, our team takes bunion pain seriously. Dr. Marque A. Allen is our expert in podiatry, along with foot and ankle surgery. He offers several treatments for bunions, to get rid of your pain for good.
What causes bunions?
A bunion, which is also called a hallux valgus, happens when the bones in your foot shift, causing a bony prominence on the side of your big toe. Your big toe starts to drift toward your other toes, leading to changes in the bone structure of your foot.
The bunion is the actual bump that appears on the side of your toe. This continues to get worse over time without treatment. Painful symptoms don’t typically appear until the later stages of the disorder. However, you can have a bunion and not exhibit any symptoms.
The main cause of bunions is unfortunately genetics. If you inherit a certain foot type from your parents, you’re more likely to end up with bunions. It usually has to do with a problem in the actual bone structure of your foot.
Tight shoes don’t cause bunions, but may worsen the condition. Injuries and deformities when you're born also contribute to the formation of a bunion later on.
When to get medical treatment
If you have any symptoms related to a bunion, it’s vital to seek treatment as soon as you can. The longer a bunion goes untreated, the more the deformity changes for the worse. Pain is one of the main symptoms that causes you to get treatment.
You should also see Dr. Allen if you have a noticeable lump on the side of your big toe that’s causing some discomfort. If you can’t seem to find shoes that fit your feet because of the bunion, it’s also a good time to seek treatment.
Advanced bunions may make it hard for you to move your big toe joint. Numbness around the bunion and pain in your foot also signal that it’s time to get medical care for your bunion.
How are bunions treated?
At our facility, Dr. Allen treats your bunion based on the severity of the deformity and your symptoms. Some bunions never require treatment if they don’t cause pain or affect your normal activities.
However, if you are having discomfort, there are several treatments that help you overcome your bunion pain. Dr. Allen often recommends conservative therapies first, some of which include:
- Custom orthotics
- Wide toe box shoes
- Ice
- Anti-inflammatory medications
- Pads to protect the bunion
Topical CBD products are also helpful in controlling the pain associated with bunions. CBD works by decreasing inflammation and controlling pain. It has unique properties that set it apart from other types of anti-inflammatory medications.
The facts on Lapiplasty®
Dr. Allen also offers a modern procedure for bunions called Lapiplasty. This is a minimally invasive procedure that focuses on the root of the problem, instead of only the bony bump on your big toe.
A bunion is a 3D problem, which is why other forms of bunion surgery don’t work as well. Dr. Allen uses Lapiplasty because it allows him to address the instability in your joint, which is the main problem with a bunion.
During the Lapiplasty, Dr. Allen numbs your foot with anesthetic so you don’t feel anything. He makes an incision over your big toe and uses specialized tools to reshape your toe joint.
Dr. Allen then is able to move your big toe joint back to its normal anatomical position. This gets rid of the unsightly bump on your toe, and effectively relieves your discomfort. A strong titanium plate keeps your joint stable, so your bunion can’t return.
If you’re looking for state-of-the-art bunion treatments, call either of our two offices in the San Antonio, Texas area today. You can request an appointment online as well.
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